List intencyjny pomiędzy Centrum Łukasiewicz, Łukasiewicz – Instytutem Ceramiki i Materiałów Budowlanych, Polskim Holdingiem Rozwoju S.A. (PHR) oraz Zakładem Budowy Maszyn „ZREMB – Chojnice” S.A. (ZREMB) został podpisany 15 stycznia 2025 roku w Warszawie. Dokument ten otwiera drogę do współpracy na rzecz wspólnych projektów rozwoju technologii z obszaru obronności i bezpieczeństwa państwa, co stanowi jeden z kluczowych kierunków strategicznych określonych w nowej strategii Sieci Badawczej Łukasiewicz.
One of the key joint ventures will be applications for innovative ceramic ballistic shields, which are distinguished by their unique protective properties and ability to be used in demanding operational conditions.
Zakład Budowy Maszyn “ZREMB – Chojnice” S.A. specialises in producing innovative container solutions, including those adapted to military needs. Thanks to their advanced technologies, ZREMB products contribute to the efficiency and operational capabilities of the armed forces. Polski Holding Rozwoju S.A. supports the development of the domestic defence industry by consolidating enterprises and implementing strategic projects that strengthen Poland’s defence capabilities. Its activities focus on implementing innovative technological solutions that are key to national security.
Signing the letter of intent between Łukasiewicz and PHR S.A. and ZREMB S.A. is an important step towards closer cooperation in the area of defence and security. The document sets out a framework for joint activities, including research and development of advanced ballistic shields and other technological solutions for the defence sector. The collaboration constitutes part of the strategy of the Łukasiewicz Research Network, which aims to strengthen its position as a key partner for the business sector in solving technological and implementation challenges.