Year of Łukasiewicz

2022: Year of Ignacy Łukasiewicz

We thought for a long time about how to commemorate the 200th birthday of Ignacy Łukasiewicz. Would our patron have liked a conference dedicated to him? Or would he have preferred a monument or portrait created using modern technology? Perhaps a bust made on 3D printers at one of our institutes?

We rejected a lot of ideas because none of them matched how Ignacy lived and what kind of person he was. It is not easy to prepare a birthday surprise for someone to whom Americans travelled by sea for weeks to seek advice on technological and commercialisation topics. Scientist, businessman, patriot and philanthropist, investing his wealth in the development of the community around him… We wanted him to smile and say: “this kind of celebration is what I like!”

In the end, we came up with an idea. Since sharing was  Ignacy’s most natural reflex, we – as the Łukasiewicz community – should share the best of what we have to offer. And show how the work done at our institutes makes a difference to people’s lives. This is how the “Łukasiewicz Sparks” competition was born, where we can see what the work of scientists (and others) in our organisation looks like in 34 films.

You can watch the films that received the highest rating from the Łukasiewicz community below.

The best “Łukasiewicz Sparks”

Behind the scenes: working at Łukasiewicz

On Ignacy’s birthday, we invited the authors of the highest rated films and subjected them to a strict audience evaluation in the “under 12” category. See how we celebrated between generations: PHOTO GALLERY.

We took our camera to the three finalists of the “Sparks” to see what their work at Łukasiewicz looks like. Meet Robert, Dagmara and Adam.

Who was Ignacy Łukasiewicz

“There is a risk that the figure of Ignacy Łukasiewicz will be reduced to just one dimension and one image: a self-taught kerosene lamp inventor. Meanwhile, this Polish pharmacist and entrepreneur is a figure whose biography would be enough for a few persons: a pioneer of the global oil industry, the first person in history to distil oil using scientific methods, the founder of the world’s first oil mine and refinery, and a social activist, philanthropist, positivist, skilful politician, a man of a great mind and even greater heart.”

The complete text of “A Pole advises Rockefeller” can be found on the portal of the KLUB JAGIELLOŃSKI.


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