Adam Zielinski
Lukasiewicz - Upper Silesian Institute of Technology
Director Lukasiewicz – GIT. For more than 20 years he has been associated with the institute (former: Lukasiewicz – IMŻ) going through successive levels of scientific and professional career. As of March 2018. He served as director of Lukasiewicz – IMŻ until December 2022. Chairman of the Council of the Regional Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Gliwice.
Within his scientific and implementation activity, he mainly deals with the issues of heat resistance of steels and alloys, testing methods and assessing the service life and destruction of materials.
He has authored and co-authored more than 200 publications in national and international scientific and technical journals and conference proceedings, including more than 50 of the so-called “scientific and technical” journals. Philadelphia List. He has a Hirsch index of 18 according to Web of Science. He is the author and co-author of more than 400 research works and expert opinions carried out for direct orders from the energy and petrochemical industry, including mainly for RAFAKO, ENEA Wytwarzanie, PGE Elektrownia OPOLE and BEŁCHATÓW, ENERGOPOMIAR, Zakłady Remontowe Energetyki, PKN Orlen, LOTOS.
He graduated from the Częstochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering. In 2008. He received his doctoral degree, and in 2017. PhD degree. of technical sciences at the Faculty of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy of the Silesian University of Technology. He holds a professorship in engineering sciences in the discipline of materials engineering. He also completed an MBA. From 2010 to 2013, I was the recipient of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education scholarship for outstanding young scientists.
In his free time, he practices Kyokushin karate and CrossFit. He cannot imagine summer without the Baltic Sea, windsurfing and kitesurfing.